Student Resources

Sample Files

The below files either are sample files used in some of the classes we teach, or they are examples of things that illustrate concepts from our classes. They are provided free without any warranty, and may be freely redistributed as long as they are attributed to David Bennett and Ergoface Consulting.

Product Description Link
All Thompson Code for all the Thompson Media courses can be found at the following link
Excel Simple Loan Comparison & Amortization schedule, from old Intro Course Excel I Examples.xls
Excel Pivot Table Example with Macros FormatExample.xls
Excel Advanced Mortgage Analyzer - Uses Macros VBA MORTGAGEAnalysis.xls
Access (2000) Useful Stuff Contains sample code and forms for a popup calculator, popup calendar, and an example of using the timing function. (NOTE: Some of this code is copyrighted by other authors but can be freely redistributed as long as the copyright info is retained.) UsefulStuff2k.mdb
Access (2000) PicTest is a file showing sample code on how to keep pictures stored separately from an Access database but to use code to link the external files. In order for this sample to work you must also download the Pix folder and place it in the same folder as the file. PicTest.mdb

Access (2000) Modified version of class file used in the Access VBA class that contains ADO code for unbound forms and some other stuff
Access (2K/XP) Sample unfinished Mission Management System Access/MissionManagementSystem.mdb



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